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All blood runs red, le film… 

“All blood runs red“ est un film de cinéma, un film graphique et un dessin animé…


“All blood runs red“ est une fiction largement inspirée d’événements réels.


“All blood runs red“ est l’histoire d’un homme qui a suivi son chemin et qui malgré les injustices de l’Histoire, est resté debout, et libre.


“All blood runs red“ tout sang coule rouge, est la devise qu’avait peint  Eugene Bullard sur le fuselage de son avion…

“All blood runs red“ is a graphic feature film. An animated story born primarily from my drawing strokes.


“All blood runs red“ is a fiction largely inspired by true events.



“All blood runs red“ is the story of a man who’s colour of skin would be inconsequential to who he is. A free man. A man standing tall.



“All blood runs red“ is the motto EUGENE BULLARD had painted on the fuselage of his airplane …

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